The Benefits of Zoom Teeth Whitening

October 17, 2023

Your teeth lacking some luster is a lot more commonly on the minds of people than you may think. So many patients come into the dentist office hoping for a solution to their teeth whitening woes, and thanks to the latest and greatest in whitening technology, the next best thing is here! Zoom Whitening has successfully changed the lives of many patients, and you could be next.

About Zoom Teeth Whitening

With so many whitening treatments that you can do in your house or buy from the local pharmacy, the right solution can be a bit difficult sometimes. Zoom Whitening is specifically for those with severe discoloring of the teeth, that could be a result of our lifestyle or heavy fluoridation as kids. Whatever the case may be, you want a whitening treatment that can yield dramatic results and be done by a dental professional that you know and trust.

The whitening system consists of whitening properties found in a gel with a hydrogen peroxide base. This get is applied directly to the teeth and is then activated by a UV light that will show immediate and drastic results in as little as one visit to the dentist.

The Benefits

If you want whitening results that are not only dramatic but last a long time coming, Zoom is the treatment for you. Even those of us that are a bit apprehensive about whitening because of sensitive teeth, Zoom Whitening is done under the watchful eye of your dentist at a concentration that is comfortable and safe for you and only you.

The Procedure

To begin the procedure, the lips and gums are covered in order to be protected. Then, the gel is applied, activated by the specialized UV light at 15-minute intervals for a total of 3 times. Finally, a floured gel is applied to reduce sensitivity following the procedure.

If Zoom Whitening sounds like something that you would like, or a product that aligns with your lifestyle, then you should contact your local dentist. If you live in the greater La Mesa, CA, area or its surrounding communities, Dr. Sherin Johnson would love to help you transform your smile to get you on the path to a more confident you.

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